CryptoGirlLucy’s Artist Spotlight Vol. 1

3 min readNov 27, 2020

The purpose of these spotlights is to cover artists that I like and that I think deserve attention in the digital art space. In the beginning, I’ll focus mainly on Rarible-listed artists, but will branch out to cover work on other platforms over time.

Each story will cover three artists. Why three? Well… why any number? I might cover more or fewer from time to time. I might even feature myself!

And what am I going to prioritize? Probably lesser known artists I think deserve a profile boost. Speaking of which, here’s a link to my NFTs on Rarible, and my profile on CryptoArtNet.

But mainly my focus will be on merely writing about artists whose work speaks to me, personally. All art is subjective. So these reviews will be highly subjective. I encourage you to comment, whether you agree or disagree with me.

Note that I will refrain from posting any artist’s work without permission or without being asked to do so out of respect for their — and their buyers’ — intellectual property rights.


DeepInfinity’s art is like a trance-inducing palette that, when you first view the artist’s collection on the screen, is overwhelmingly mesmerizing. The style is almost entirely consistent along these lines: moving abstract images that swirl, float, glide, and purr across your eyes, taking you to another place.

But they aren’t just pretty moving colors. The recently minted Blue Ghost, for example, almost threatens to transport you to a darker place, before returning you to a place of comfort. It is an extraordinary piece to look at… truly mesmerizing.

DeepInfinity’s pieces need to be enjoyed for a period of time. Quick glances don’t do them justice. Because while they seem simple enough — pretty moving colors — there is a lot more meaning to interpret if you give them the time to move you.


Jaelle has only minted four pieces on Rarible, but they are truly astonishing. Limited Edition Jaelle Original Supporter uses a sultry blend of reds and pinks as the backdrop to the character staring right at the viewer. It oozes mystery. Why is she looking at us? What is in her past to explain the color scheme?

Should I Go Long On Bitcoin depicts a woman wondering if she has missed the crypto boat. Again, there is an uncertainty about the character’s perspective here, which offers the piece a true sense of intrigue in what may otherwise be a fairly mundane subject.

Jaelle seems to want us to explore the deepest feelings of the characters she depicts. Yet, she wraps those feelings in mystery. There is an air of despair in all her pieces, too, begging the viewer to wonder if there is not a sadness to these characters. More than just skin deep. I look forward to seeing more of Jaelle’s work.


Chissweetart’s expansive collection of digital art is a sweeping landscape of women in varying backdrops, often outdoors, and with a distinctly mystical feel. For You and Dream Seeker are signature examples of the artist’s mystical style. Rapuzel’s Freedom perhaps best encapsulates this element of the artist’s sensibilities: the character looks beyond the landscape to a place far away.

As the artists herself describes it:

“Finally, she is free from the enslavement the witch has bestowed on her for all of her life, until now. She wonders what the next step will be. What adventures should she take on now? Her future rests in her hands.”

Interspersed in this grandiose world are more grounded and realistic pieces, the haunting photograph Purity Among Madness being a notable example. (There is also some surreal photography.)

For me, the artist offers a distinctive blend of ambition and regret; longing and insecurity; of looking forward while thinking backward. This artist’s collection is definitely worth exploring.




crypto fanatic, photographer, cartoonist, painter… verified artist on Rarible… #NFTs #NFTart #cryptoartist